Business And Markets

Capital Market Role in the Economy Improves Slightly

Iran’s capital market contributed 7,180 trillion rials ($25 billion) to the listed companies, accounting for 19.5% of the total
Capital Market Role in the Economy Improves Slightly
Capital Market Role in the Economy Improves Slightly

Funding via the money and capital markets reached close to 36,860 trillion rials ($131 billion) in fiscal 2021-22.
Iran’s capital market contributed 7,180 trillion rials ($25 billion) to the listed companies, accounting for 19.5% of the total. 
According to data compiled by the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIM), this was slightly higher than the 18.9% made available a year ago. 
Total funding by banks and the stock market rose 55.3% from the previous fiscal year. Banks’ role expanded 54% and contribution of the capital market was up 61% over the year before. 


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