Business And Markets

Decision on Legalizing Crypto Trade in Capital Market Pending

Decision on Legalizing Crypto Trade in Capital Market Pending
Decision on Legalizing Crypto Trade in Capital Market Pending

The government is preparing a regulatory framework for trading cryptocurrency and cryptoassets, but no decision has been made to allow trade in digital assets in the capital market, head of the Security and Exchange Organization of Iran said. 
"The cryptocurrency market and the stock market in essence are different, especially when it comes to the risk factors. Moreover, there are still major concerns about compatability with Sharia finance laws, which is being discussed by experts. As a result, the government has not yet managed to finalize the rules," Majid Eshqi was quoted as saying by IRNA. 
"Draft regulations are expected to include tasks for the SEO, although they are not finalized," Eshqi added. 


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