Business And Markets

Unlocked Forex Assets Will Be Used for Infrastructure Projects

There is concern about how and where the government will spend the released money amid fresh reports that the Raisi administration will soon have access to billions of dollars locked in overseas banks due to the 2018 US economic blockade
Unlocked Forex Assets Will Be Used for Infrastructure Projects
Unlocked Forex Assets Will Be Used for Infrastructure Projects

The government will use overseas currency set to be released in the coming days to bolster budgetary spending, head of the Planning and Budget Organization said.
In a talk with state TV, Masoud Mirkazemi said the money will also be used to expand infrastructure and complete delayed development projects. 
“The [unlocked] assets will shared among the government, the National Development Fund of Iran and Central Bank of Iran,” he was quoted as saying by IRNA. 
Private sector leaders have responded positively to the government stance, expressing the hope that those in charge would not use the assets for unbridled infusion of foreign currency to tame the chaotic forex market as seen in the past. 


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