Business And Markets

Rise in Bad Checks

Rise in Bad Checks
Rise in Bad Checks

Central Bank of Iran data show slight decline in check transactions amid rise in rejected checks in the calendar month to Feb. 19. 
During the period under review, the number of issued checks declined 3.5% to reach 6.3 million. In value terms the drawn checks were down 1.4% at 2,659 trillion rials ($9.84 billion). 
Compared with the corresponding month last year, written checks fell 26.8% in number but jumped 30.7% in value. 
More than two million checks worth 1,351 trillion rials ($5 billion) changed hands in Tehran Province in the month. Tehran was at the top accounting for 31.8% and 50.8% in volume and value of all drawn checks.
Isfahan Province was next representing 10.8% of all drawn checks and 7.7% of the value of checks.


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