Business And Markets

Bank Loans Raise 55% to $98b

Bank Loans Raise 55% to $98b
Bank Loans Raise 55% to $98b

Iranian lenders granted loans worth a total of 25,432.9 trillion rials ($97.8 billion) to businesses in the course of eleven months since the beginning of current fiscal year (March 21- February 19).  
Compared to the corresponding period of last year, bank loans increased by 9,009.2 trillion rials ($34.6b), indicating close to 55% growth, according to data published by the Central Bank of Iran. 
As usual working capital loans grabbed the lion’s share of lending. As per the data, businesses took out 16,782.1 trillion rials ($64.5b) in loans to boost working capital, accounting for 66% of the total loans. 


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