Business And Markets

Gov’t Makes $100m in Bonds

Gov’t Makes $100m in Bonds
Gov’t Makes $100m in Bonds

After three weeks of investor aversion to bonds offered by the government, buyers returned to the weekly auction and bought 27.1 trillion rials ($102 million). 
Banks and investors in the stock market were among the buyers with the latter in the lead, according to data published on the website of the Central Bank of Iran.
Retail and institutional buyers in the bourse took 22.4 trillion rials ($84.5m). A bank was the only buyer in the interbank market with 4.7 trillion rials ($17.7m).   
Bond sale is part of the government policy to raise funds for its growing budgetary needs as it struggles with deeper deficits due to the 2018 US economic sanctions.
The government hardly generated 1.6 trillion rials ($6m) in bond sales in the past three auctions. 
The CBI on behalf of the government has held 31 rounds of bond auctions since May 2021 and generated 690 trillion rials ($2.6 billion). 
Stock market investors bought 61% of the total bonds with banks and credit institutions taking the balance. In the next auction is set for Feb.16 and the CBI said it will offer 78 trillion ($295m) in new debt. 

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