Business And Markets

High-Level Committee Planned to Coordinate Financial Policies

High-Level Committee Planned to Coordinate Financial Policies
High-Level Committee Planned to Coordinate Financial Policies

Senior economic, banking and capital market officials met on Monday to discuss ways to defend the financial markets.
The Economy Minister Ehsan Khandouzi, Central Bank of Iran chief Ali Salehabadi and head of the Securities and Exchange Organization Majid Eshqi decided to set up a joint committee to ensure polices and processes in capital and money markets are not at odds with each other, the CBI website reported.    
“The joint committee should help build closer coordination among financial markets and maintain stability in the markets,” Salehabadi said.
“Money and capital market are not rivals, rather they complement each other,” the senior banker said, referring to oft-mentioned complaints by stock market investors that the CBI’s monetary and banking polices give direction stock market trends directly or otherwise.


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