Business And Markets

Investment Funds Manage $20b

Investment Funds Manage $20b
Investment Funds Manage $20b

Investment funds hold assets worth 5,300 trillion rials ($19.6 billion) in their portfolios, an official with the Securities and Exchange Organization said.
“An estimated 3,700 trillion rials [$14.2b] is managed by fixed income funds while equity funds hold 620 trillion rials [$2.4b],” Meisam Fadaee, the SEO deputy for supervising financial institutions was quoted as saying by the SEO News Agency.
Funds operated by market making companies manage about 920 trillion rials ($3.4b), which Fadaee said was 44% higher than in later December.
Market makers act as wholesalers buying and selling securities to balance the market and help keep it functioning. Market making gained traction after Iran's equity market took a drubbing under a prolonged sell-off last summer.


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