Business And Markets

Economy Minister Outlines Plans to Address Challenges

Economy Minister Outlines Plans to Address Challenges
Economy Minister Outlines Plans to Address Challenges

The Economy Minister Ehsan Khandouzi says finding new ways and means to sustainably finance the government budget is a priority to his ministry.
“The economy indeed needs high-efficacy short-term measures to pave the way for long-term economic reforms,” Khandouzi said after he received the Majlis trust vote on Thursday, IRNA reported.  
To realize what he described as “low-risk” financing of the budget, he pointed to changes in tax policies and measures to cede the government’s financial and non-financial assets.  
Plans to improve the role of the ministry in setting macroeconomic policies, economic resilience against foreign sanctions and curbing inflation and price volatilities are also on the ministry’s agenda, he added.   


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