Business And Markets

Tax Authority Calls for Legalizing Crypto Exchanges

Tax Authority Calls for Legalizing Crypto Exchanges
Tax Authority Calls for Legalizing Crypto Exchanges

The Iranian National Tax Administration has prepared a draft proposal for taxing cryptocurrency exchanges and called on the relevant regulatory bodies to pave the way for legalizing the crypto exchanges.
"Legalizing crypto exchanges is necessary [for levying tax]. Legal operations must be limited to authorized exchanges that are allowed to convert currency while keeping track of transactions," reads an excerpt from the INTA proposal published by Way2pay.
INTA is of the opinion that stringent measures against the  crypto exchanges have the reverse effects and create the conditions for the black market.  
Transactions of the exchanges can be used by INTA as the basis  for taxation. "Regulations must include penalties and legal consequences for legal exchanges refusing to provide users' records to INTA," the proposal said.


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