Business And Markets

TEDPIX at 3-Month High

TEDPIX at 3-Month High
TEDPIX at 3-Month High

Building on recent gains, Tehran stocks jumped on Monday to post the highest level in 71 sessions boosted largely by blue chips.
The benchmark of Tehran Stock Exchange, TEDPIX, gained 19,077 points or 1.48% to cross the critical 1.3 million points. It closed at 1,304,333 -- the highest since March 30.
The rally was driven mainly by price rise in large caps as indicated by the 2.3% growth in TSE-30 Index, which tracks the performance of top 30 TSE-listed companies in terms of market cap.
While the equal-weighted index had outpaced TEDPIX in the past few sessions, it lagged behind on Monday to add 0.77%, indicating that the small sized listed companies underperformed.


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