Business And Markets

President Orders CBI to Stop Blocking Crypto Exchanges

President Orders CBI to Stop Blocking Crypto Exchanges
President Orders CBI to Stop Blocking Crypto Exchanges

Media outlets on Monday published a letter signed by Mahmoud Vaezi, President Hassan Rouhani’s the chief of staff, in which the Central Bank of Iran has been asked to stop blocking cryptocurrency exchanges, putting an end to disagreements over the issue among authorities and businesses. 
The letter refers to a petition signed by more than 60,000 people involved in the crypto business and instructs the CBI to stop blocking payment gateways used by crypto exchanges, IRNA reported. 
The petition sent to Rouhani referred to the government's crypto regulations in which use of digital currency for purchasing goods and services is banned, even though its trade is not illegal so long as traders are accountable for the ensuing risks.


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