Business And Markets

Bank Loans Outpace Deposits

Bank Loans Outpace Deposits
Bank Loans Outpace Deposits

Data released by the Central Bank of Iran indicate that total lending by banks was higher than deposits during the calendar month to Dec.20. 
Loans crossed 25,709.3 trillion rials ($102.8 billion) – up 47.7% compared with the corresponding period last year. In the first three quarters of the current fiscal year, total outstanding loans rose by 6,353.6 trillion rials ($25.4b) or 32.8%. 
This is while total bank deposits increased by 42.4% on an annualized basis to reach 35,205.9 trillion rials ($140b). Deposits increased 29.6%, or 10,489 trillion rials ($32.17b) in the first nine months of the current fiscal year that ends on March 20. 


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