Business And Markets

IME Trade Turnover Doubles

IME has endeavored in recent years to diversify and expand financing methods for farm products, including creating platforms for trading future contracts for saffron, cumin and pistachio
IME Trade Turnover Doubles
IME Trade Turnover Doubles

Trade turnover at Iran Mercantile Exchange reached 3,080 trillion rials ($12.3 billion) in the first 11 months of the current fiscal year ending Feb.18.  
The figure registered a 103% growth compared with the first 11 months of the previous fiscal year, IRNA reported, citing data published by IME.  
The trade value is considered a record, as commodities worth 1,690 trillion rials ($6.7 billion) changed hands during the whole of last fiscal year. The figure in the fiscal 2018-19 stood at 1,780 trillion rials ($7 billion). 


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