Business And Markets

MRC Surveys Iran's Business Climate

MRC Surveys Iran's Business Climate
MRC Surveys Iran's Business Climate

The investment climate worsened in last spring, which marks the first fiscal quarter (March 20-June 20, 2020), largely due to the adverse impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the latest report of the Majlis Research Center, the research arm of the Iran’s parliament, said. 
Combining data released by official sources and the results of surveys of 6,884 business owner across the country, the center has presented the outcome in the form of a general investment security index. 
The index of investment and business security in Iran stood at 6.16 points in spring out of 10 (10 being the riskiest), a big plunge compared to the winter season when the index stood at 5.84 points, according to a seasonal study conducted by MRC.  
The decline in business security index shows that key factors contributing to a secure business environment took a turn for the worse last spring. 
MRC attributes the downgrade mostly to the Covid-19 outbreak in Iran, which forced the large-scale closure of businesses and furlough of workers.  


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