Business And Markets

€17.5b in Export Proceeds Pending

€17.5b in Export Proceeds Pending
€17.5b in Export Proceeds Pending

Non-oil export companies have not repatriated €17.5 billion to the country over two years from May 2018 to June 2020, according to the head of the commercial services department of Iran's Trade Promotion Organization. 
"Total export was €60.4 billion of which €54.6 billion should have been repatriated," Ehasan Qamari told IRNA. 
Qamari compartmentalized exporters as “manufacturing companies and non-manufacturing traders”, saying that the former exported goods worth €45.2 billion in the two years, of which €40.9 billion was among their repatriation commitment but €34.2 billion was brought back. 
Non-manufacturing exporters account for most of the unreturned earnings.  "Goods exported by this group were valued at €15.2 billion. They had a commitment to bring back €13.6 billion but only €2.9 billion was returned," the official said. 
It was not clear why the companies had failed to meet their financial commitments. In the two years 21,692 firms, including 6,832 manufacturers and 14,860 trading companies, were involved in export. 


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