Business And Markets

Football Clubs Revamp Finances to Join Bourse

Football Clubs Revamp Finances to Join Bourse
Football Clubs Revamp Finances to Join Bourse

Tehran's two main football clubs Esteghlal and Persepolis are set to be listed on the stock market because the financial restructuring required of them is complete, the deputy head of the Iranian Privatization Organization, Abolqasem Shams said.
The capital increase was done in the form of "contribution in kind" in which each club incorporated two sport complexes into their assets. The properties were originally owned by the government, according to the IPO public relations website.
Contribution in a method of increasing capital for companies. It is a capital increase that is not in cash: for example incorporation of liabilities in equity, contribution of assets or of a business and which is remunerated by issuance of new shares (either during incorporation of a new company or increase in share capital).


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