Business And Markets

Trump Flirts With Sanctions

Trump Flirts With Sanctions
Trump Flirts With Sanctions

Governor of the Central Bank of Iran Abdolnasser Hemmati, said Thursday that the new US sanctions against Iranian banks are yet another blow to the few remaining channels to pay for food and medicine, describing the move as another political stunt.
The US Treasury Department on Thursday imposed fresh sanctions against 18 Iranian banks aiming to totally cut off the country from the world's financial system and choking off the already shrunk government revenues.  
“Some of these banks transfer money for food and pharmaceuticals and foreign lenders were previously given waivers and permits to work with them,” Hemmati said in a press release published on the CBI website. 
He described the new move as a propaganda designed more “for political ends inside the United States than having economic impact on Iran’s economy”. 
Donald Trump’s new desperation and economic pressure on Tehran comes barely three weeks ahead of the US presidential election.


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