Business And Markets

874,000 Bad Checks Written in 1 Month

874,000 Bad Checks Written in 1 Month
874,000 Bad Checks Written in 1 Month

Checks worth about 195 trillion rials ($866 million) bounced during the Iranian month to July 21 -- up 4.9% compared to a month before. 
An estimated 874,000 bad checks were returned by banks showing 0.8% decline in one month, according to monthly data released by the Central Bank of Iran. 
Bounced checks accounted for 9.6% and 9.5% of the total volume and value of drawn checks in the month. In the month earlier, bad checks accounted for 11.2% and 12% of the total volume and value of checks, respectively.   
Bounced checks in Tehran Province alone accounted for 8.7% and 7.8% of all checks drawn in the province in terms of volume and value.


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