Business And Markets

Trade via IME Improves

Trade via IME Improves
Trade via IME Improves

The value of commodities traded at the Iran Mercantile Exchange increased by 23% in the last calendar month (June 21- July 21) compared with a month earlier. In volume terms, the deals rose 8%. 
Goods weighing 3.16 million tons worth 232 trillion rials ($1.05 billion) were exchanged at this bourse, according to data released on the IME’s news agency website 
The volume of goods traded on the petrochemical and petroleum floor reached 2.03 million tons valued at 110.24 trillion rials ($500m). The commodities were bought by domestic and foreign companies. 
IME said the commodities included 484,278 tons of bitumen, 27 tons polymer, 3,200 tons slap wax, 734, 000 tons vacuum bottom and 157,217 tons of other chemicals. 
On the industrial and mineral floor 1.13 million tons of goods were sold valued at 120.97 trillion rials ($500.5m).
Steel products topped the list as 979,953 tons of varieties of steel were traded.  It was followed by zinc with 94,540 tons, copper 28,755 tons, aluminum 25,775 tons, molybdenum concentrate 710 tons, lead 200 tons, precious metal concentrates 72 tons and 31 kilograms of gold.  

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