Business And Markets

Role Planned for REITs to Lift Housing Market

Role Planned for REITs to Lift Housing Market
Role Planned for REITs to Lift Housing Market

The Ministry of Economy has made a proposal to the Securities and Exchange Organization to create Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) to help fund the key housing sector, a deputy economy minister said. 
Mohammad Ali Dehqan said the proposal was floated based on research by the ministry and in consideration of housing sector developments, adding that REITs can offer effective solutions to credit problems homebuyers have long been facing, Tasnim News Agency reported.  
REITs own, operate or finances income-generating real estate. Modeled after mutual funds, REITs pool the capital of numerous investors. This makes it possible for individual investors to make a profit from real estate investment -- without having to buy, manage, or finance the properties themselves.


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