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Contactless Payment Tool to Cut Viral Transmission in Iran

Contactless Payment Tool to Cut Viral Transmission in Iran
Contactless Payment Tool to Cut Viral Transmission in Iran

The Central Bank of Iran is expanding infrastructure for contactless payment via QR codes and digital wallets in a bid to limit the coronavirus outbreak via circulation of banknotes among the public or exchange of debit cards in retail outlets, an official with the bank said.
Bank authorities will build on efforts in the past to set up contactless payment mechanism, said Davoud Mohammad Beigi, the chief of CBI’s Payment Systems Department, adding that the process has gained momentum due to the rapidly spreading coronavirus in Iran. 
“After coordination with Health Ministry and ICT Ministry, the scheme to expand contactless payment via QR codes has been given top priority,” he was quoted as saying by IBENA.  
QR code payment is a contactless payment method where payment is performed by scanning a QR code from a mobile app.


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