Business And Markets

Tehran Housing Picks Up Steam Amid Slowing Price Hike and Rising Sales

Many customers who were left out of the market have decided to make purchases and homeowners waiting for further price hikes have come to realize that they won’t reap more profits in the future and decided to put their properties for sale
Tehran Housing Picks Up Steam
Tehran Housing Picks Up Steam

Stagflation in Tehran's housing market is on its way out, at least in some parts of the capital city.
Home prices have increased significantly over the past two years. The gap between housing costs, either rents or property value, and households’ purchasing power has widened and this led to an all-time low in the number of home deals. 
“However, the breakneck growth in home prices has decelerated since the fourth Iranian month (June 22-July 22, 2019). At present, the housing market is in a state of equilibrium and prices are not that different from what they were then,” Mehdi Soltan-Mohammadi, a housing expert, told Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture in an interview. 
The market has been energized over the past several months, thanks to an increase in the number of home deals. 


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