Business And Markets

Iran's CB Committed to Fighting Dirty Money and Reduce Credit Risks

Iran's CB Committed to Fighting Dirty Money and Reduce Credit Risks
Iran's CB Committed to Fighting Dirty Money and Reduce Credit Risks

The Central Bank of Iran is committed to fighting money laundering, speculative activities and unaccountable transactions, the CBI Governor Abdolnasser Hemmati said.  
Addressing senior bankers in Tehran on Thursday, Hemmati said “the CBI is committed to preventing the unbridled circulation of money in the banking system, which is the function of (and leads to) money laundering and speculative operations”, the CBI website reported.
The CBI has tightened restrictions on circulation of money in recent months to meet verifiable anti-money laundering requirements. Last October the CBI made it mandatory for banks and credit institutions to create specialized units to deal only with suspected money laundering and relevant issues. 
The bylaw was issued after the government ratified an amendment to the AML and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Law in the same month. 


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