Business And Markets

Iran's CB: Taming Inflation Is a Top Priority

Iran's CB: Taming Inflation Is a Top Priority
Iran's CB: Taming Inflation Is a Top Priority

Having accomplished one goal of bringing a semblance of stability to currency market, the Central Bank of Iran will now concentrate on controlling inflation, the governor said. 
“From now on, inflation will be the top priority,” Abdolnasser Hemmati wrote in his Instagram page, recalling past efforts to restore stability to the chaotic and currency market “in very tough economic conditions”. 
The senior banker underscored the role of the newly launched Open Market Operation and changes in the CBI monetary policy to rein in galloping inflation.
CBI measures, however, should be accompanied by  adopting effective and supportive policies to boost the non-oil sector of the economy, Hemmati reiterated. 


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