Business And Markets

MRC: Business Climate Improving Slowly

The investment security evaluation is premised on a combination of findings from field surveys across target businesses plus data released by official sources, such as the Statistical Center of Iran
MRC: Business Climate Improving Slowly
MRC: Business Climate Improving Slowly

Safety of investment in Iran improved slightly in the spring of the current calendar year (March-June), according to a quarterly survey by the Majlis Research Center, an influential think tank affiliated to the parliament.   
Based on an index developed by the MRC, investment security stood at 6/07 out of 10 (10 being the riskiest) in spring, improving 0.11 (or 2%) over 6.18 reported in winter. 
The investment security evaluation is premised on a combination of reports from field surveys across target businesses plus data released by official sources, such as the Statistical Center of Iran.   
The index was 6.43 in autumn indicating that business climate and investment security was improving gradually in line with investment security indicators defined by the center. 


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