Business And Markets

Ministry Rolls Out Plan to Streamline Tenancy Market in Iran

Taxing vacant homes, finishing homes authorized under the Mehr Housing Plan, pressing ahead with the National Housing Initiative and introducing a home leasing system by creating property rental companies are short- and long-term plans pursued by the Min.
Ministry Rolls Out Plan to Streamline Tenancy Market in Iran
Ministry Rolls Out Plan to Streamline Tenancy Market in Iran

The Ministry of Roads and Urban Development has come up with a roadmap to streamline the country’s tenancy market.
Taxing vacant homes, finishing homes authorized for construction under the Mehr Housing Plan, pressing ahead with the National Housing Initiative and introducing a professional home leasing system by creating property rental companies are short- and long-term plans pursued by the ministry, IRIB News reported. 
According to the Central Bank of Iran, the price of rented residential units in Tehran and across Iran’s urban areas increased by 31.4% and 31.7% respectively during the eighth month of the current Iranian year (March 21-Nov. 21) month-on-month.
According to Mahmoud Mahmoudzadeh, the head of the ministry’s housing division, a database will be launched by March 19, 2020 (the end of the current Iranian year) and put at the disposal of Iranian National Tax Administration to tax owners of empty homes, reported. 


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