Business And Markets

Central Bank of Iran: Bank Deposits at $195b

Bank Deposits at 22,165 Trillion Rials
Bank Deposits at 22,165 Trillion Rials

Total deposits with banks and credit institutions reached 22,165 trillion rials ($195 billion) during the fourth month (June 22- July 22) of the current fiscal year indicating 26.9% annual growth.
According to a report released by the Central Bank of Iran, total bank deposits rose 4.696 trillion rials, or 7.2%, compared to the end of the last fiscal year (March 2019) when deposits stood at 20,673.36 trillion rials ($182.14 billion). 
The report covers deposits both in rial and foreign currency.
Majority of deposits were in banks in Tehran Province with  54 % of the total deposits.
More than 11,969.8 trillion rials ($105.46 billion) in deposits were held with banks in the sprawling metropolis that is home to almost ten million people. 


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