
Debate Flares Again Over Halting Pride’s Production

Once again, SAIPA’s substandard vehicle Pride has been pushed into the limelight, with authorities saying its production will be halted within six months
Debate Flares Again Over Halting Pride’s Production
Debate Flares Again Over Halting Pride’s Production

The long-running debate over halting the production of SAIPA’s small car Pride has reignited, after Iran Traffic Police chief said license plates will not be issued for the vehicle as of March 2020.
On Thursday, General Kamal Hadianfar also told ISNA that based on a multilateral accord reached by SAIPA, the domestic carmaker that makes Pride, the Industries Ministry and Iran Traffic Police, the production line of the substandard and costly passenger vehicle will be disbanded within six months.
This is not the first time that the impending death of Pride hit the headlines. Policymakers and industry executives had earlier promised to halt its production and replace it with quality vehicles. However, these promises remain unfulfilled.


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