
Carmakers Special Sales Trigger Car Buying Frenzy in Iran

In the past month, with car prices increasing on a near hourly basis, many people have become desperate and there has been a mad rush for buying new vehicles. On average, car prices have shot up by 30% compared to a month earlier
Carmakers Special Sales Trigger Car Buying Frenzy in Iran
Carmakers Special Sales Trigger Car Buying Frenzy in Iran

As car prices keep rising as never before, the two main Iranian auto companies, Iran Khodro and SAIPA, launched what they call are ‘special sales’, selling their cars like hotcakes.
Offering a limited, albeit undisclosed, number of cars via their sales website, the two firms announced the special sales on Tuesday morning. The cars are to be delivered within 10 days.
Less than 45 minutes after the offer, both carmakers announced that they had sold all the vehicles, automotive website Asbe Bokhar reported. SAIPA said just in 45 minutes 23,000 plus people visited its sales website.


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