
Iran Gov’t Moves to Regulate Distribution Network

With the assistance of car manufacturers and major distributors, authorities are moving ahead with plans to control raging car prices in Iran’s market
Gov’t Moves to Regulate Distribution Network
Gov’t Moves to Regulate Distribution Network
Through adoption of a number of measures, the government hopes to curb the number of vehicles dealers can get their hands on so as to control skyrocketing prices

Eager to contain the mounting public outrage over the recent car price hikes, the hard-pressed Industries Ministry has decided to shift the focus to aggravating factors closer to home, especially the distribution network.
For years the auto market has suffered from the presence of dealers who purchase vehicles at factory prices and sell to the public on the free market at much higher rates.
Amid the manifold factors contributing to the current exorbitant prices from the reimposition of US sanctions, the plummeting value of the rial, defective government import and industrial policies, dealer’s meddling in the market and the jump in prices of raw materials, the only long-ignored and controllable aspect seems to be the dealers’ role in bottlenecking the supply of factory-priced vehicles to the public.


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