
Air Pollution, Shoddy Cars Endangering Human Lives in Iran

With 30,000 annual pollution-related deaths and thousands perishing in car accidents, authorities report that 70% of locally manufactured cars fail to pass ‘premium technical inspection’ which are stricter than the normal tests
An inspection center in Tehran
An inspection center in Tehran
There were more than 19 million vehicles and 12 million motorcycles in the country in the fiscal ending in March 2017

More than half of the Iranian vehicles do not meet the standards to acquire a premium technical inspection certificate introduced by the Department of Environment to curb the emission of air pollutants like carbon monoxide.
CEO of Tehran Vehicle Technical Inspection Bureau said 70% of cars visiting vehicle inspection centers are not fit to gain the premium technical inspection certificate, Mizan Online reported.
The premium certificate has higher standards than that of the normal technical inspection certificates. While in the normal tests, vehicles’ emissions are monitored in a low-speed performance, but for earning the premium certificate the carbon monoxide emission of cars is assessed at 2,500 rpm.
Navab Hosseini-Manesh added that 45-50% of the rejected vehicles do not receive the certificate due to the high emission rates and 20-25% are refused since they do not meet safety standards.
The premium technical inspection certificate was made mandatory this year for vehicles seeking permits to enter the restricted traffic zones.


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