
Trapped by Thousands of Old Clunkers Tehran Traffic Problems Persist

Trapped by Thousands of Old Clunkers Tehran Traffic Problems Persist
Trapped by Thousands of Old Clunkers Tehran Traffic Problems Persist

The workgroup to help reduce Tehran’s air pollution met at the weekend and came up with some unsettling numbers. For instance, it said 2,529 old and dilapidated cars built three decades ago ply the overcrowded roads of the capital everyday doing a terrible job in contributing to the worsening air pollution. 
During the meeting a representative from Tehran Municipality delivered a report drawing attention to the status of clunkers in the sprawling capital which has expanded in all four directions over the past half century.
According to the Tehran Governorate website, currently, 2,529 cars over 30 years old and 3,200 dilapidated buses use the capital’s permanently clogged roads.



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