
SAIPA Signs Deal to Export 200,000 Cars to Venezuela

SAIPA will export 200,000 vehicles to Venezuela in five years and revive the Venirauto automobile factory
SAIPA Signs Deal to Export  200,000 Cars to Venezuela
SAIPA Signs Deal to Export  200,000 Cars to Venezuela

SAIPA has signed a memorandum of understanding to export a total of 200,000 passenger cars to Venezuela in five years.
SAIPA’s CEO Mohammad Ali Teymouri, who traveled to Latin America with the delegation accompanying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, stated that he attended talks for developing joint automotive cooperation with Venezuela.
“During the two-day visit of the president to Venezuela and before the start of his visit to Nicaragua, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the Venezuelan government for the production and export of 200,000 automobiles to this country over the next five years and the revival of Venirauto automobile factory under the management of SAIPA,” Teymouri was quoted as saying by ISNA.
According to the CEO of SAIPA Automobile Group, 2,000 SAIPA automobiles will be exported to Venezuela in the coming months.


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