
SAIPA Imports First Car Shipment

SAIPA Automotive Group has imported a total of 1,108 cars produced by Changan Automotive Company in its first shipment, which will be delivered to customers next month
SAIPA Imports First Car Shipment
SAIPA Imports First Car Shipment

SAIPA Automotive Group has imported its first shipment of cars that will be delivered to customers in the coming weeks.
The domestic automaker imported a total of 1,108 cars produced by Changan Automotive Company, according to the manager of the Car Import Project of the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade.
“With the efforts of the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade and related organizations, SAIPA imported its first series of imported cars after five years, which have been cleared from the Aprin Customs Office,” Mehdi Zeighami was also quoted as saying by Khabar Khodro.
The official stated that due to the problems caused by the car import laws that were devised before the reimposition of international sanctions, the clearance of imported cars faced many hurdles.


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