
Car Import Plan Lackadaisical

An automotive expert believes challenges posed by currency depreciation and sanctions against the domestic automotive industry are the main reasons behind the snail-paced movement of new car imports
Car Import Plan Lackadaisical
Car Import Plan Lackadaisical

Only an insignificant number of cars have been imported since the launch of the car import plan, which process has further slowed down.
An automotive expert believes challenges posed by currency depreciation and sanctions against the domestic automotive industry are the main reasons behind the snail-paced movement of new car imports.
A large portion of the promised imported cars have not arrived yet and both experts and applicants are worried that the wrong decisions of the Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade in the last four years regarding the import of passenger and heavy vehicles will also affect the latest plan, Donyaye Khodro reported.
Automotive experts suspect the import of 142 cars as a pilot for the government's avowed goal of importing 200,000 cars will be the same pattern imports will follow in the next fiscal year (March 2023-24), which implies a slow and protracted process.


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