
Import of Used Vehicles Next Year

The Majlis Joint Commission has approved the import of used vehicles under 5-8 years old in the next Iranian year (starting March 21, 2023)
Import of Used Vehicles Next Year
Import of Used Vehicles Next Year

The Majlis Joint Commission has approved the import of used vehicles, including passenger cars, tractors, trucks, vans, buses and minibuses, under 5-8 years in the next fiscal year (starting March 21, 2023).
The proposal, incorporated in the section on automotive development in Note 6 of the budget bill, was earlier approved by the Majlis Industries and Mines Commission.
This issue will be officially approved when the articles of the budget bill for the fiscal 2023-24 are presented in an open session of the parliament, Donyaye Khodro reported.
Some experts claim that the import of used vehicles can help regulate the market while others oppose this plan and believe that used cars are not economically viable, because the country of origin wants to export them for the same reason.


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