
IKCO Performance Outlined

Since the beginning of the current fiscal year’s second month (April 21), 100% complete car production has been achieved in this industrial group
IKCO Performance Outlined
IKCO Performance Outlined

The CEO of Iran Khodro Company (IKCO) has outlined the major domestic automaker’s performance in a recent meeting attended by officials and the company’s managers.
Mehdi Khatibi placed “the saving of 21 trillion rials ($54.48 million), a 25% increase in the quality of products and the identification of production bottlenecks” on top of his list.
"Currently, the production of complete cars at IKCO is continuing in higher numbers and under stable conditions,” he said.
"The production of complete cars should have been accomplished before the international sanctions, but it is being carried out under the current difficult economic conditions caused by sanctions."


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