
Automakers Object to Mandatory Participation in Car Scrapping

Automakers Object to Mandatory Participation in Car Scrapping
Automakers Object to Mandatory Participation in Car Scrapping

The government’s car scrapping plan is facing challenges, as experts demand more clarity, car manufacturers oppose their obligations and car owners remain mystified.
The government wants to get rid of millions of dilapidated cars that consume a lot of fuel and produce a great deal of pollution. But according to experts, the age and pricing of cars liable for scrappage are unclear, Donyaye Khodro reported.
Scrap cars refer to a motor vehicle purchased primarily as scrap, for its reuse or recycling.
Car manufacturers are fundamentally against participating in the scrapping of used cars. In a letter sent by Secretary of the Automobile Manufacturers Association Ahmad Nemat-Bakhsh to the Majlis Industries Commission, he referred to the Organizing Automobile Industry Law and stated that “car scrapping is not one of the duties of automobile manufacturers and the new car is not supposed to subsidize the used car”.


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