
First Three-Cylinder Engine to Begin Mass Production This Year

IPCO has announced that the first three-cylinder engine will begin mass production by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2023)
First Three-Cylinder Engine to Begin Mass Production This Year
First Three-Cylinder Engine to Begin Mass Production This Year

Iran Khodro Powertrain Company (IPCO) has completed the design of the first three-cylinder engine that will begin mass production by the end of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2023). 
"The EF7 Plus engine project has been developed and is procuring parts to start mass production," IPCO’s CEO Mehdi Rajab-Ali was quoted as saying by Donyaye Khodro.
"The development stages of this engine family are underway and we hope that by the end of the first half of the current fiscal year, we will be able to receive the parts, the designs of which have been provided to manufacturers and entered the parts approval process. We anticipate that by the end of the year, the first engine of the three-cylinder engine family will enter the production line,” he added.


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