
Gov’t to Extend Lower Tariffs for More Economical Car Import

The Government is trying to encourage importers in order to import economical vehicles
Gov’t to Extend Lower Tariffs for More Economical Car Import
Gov’t to Extend Lower Tariffs for More Economical Car Import

After announcing the decision to lift the car import ban, the government is encouraging the import of more economical vehicles.
"Under the new regulations, in addition to the top two deciles, car imports have also been considered for low-income deciles. Special incentives, including lower tariffs, will be extended to the importers of such cars," Manouchehr Manteqi, deputy industries minister for transportation affairs, was quoted as saying by Donyaye Khodro.
"People who observe the production processes and transfer knowledge can enter the import business," he said.
“The government’s new regulation has focused on the issues of after-sales services and technology transfer alongside imports.”


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