
Counterfeit, Substandard Filters Hold 45% of Domestic Market Share

Counterfeit, Substandard Filters Hold 45% of Domestic Market Share
Counterfeit, Substandard Filters Hold 45% of Domestic Market Share

Counterfeit and substandard smuggled car components, which continue to blight the domestic market, have serious ramifications for the safety of users and the country’s economy. 
One of the most important components in the automotive industry is the filter, about 45% of which in the domestic market are counterfeit or smuggled, despite the country's self-sufficiency in the production of filters for light and heavy vehicles, Donyaye Khodro reported.
"Unfortunately, despite the fact that 12 companies are producing filters with the highest quality, some profiteers exploit the public trust in foreign brands to smuggle fake filters, or produce substandard products in the domestic market," said Faramarz Hosseini, a member of the board of directors of the Association of Filter Manufacturers and Exporters.


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