
Van Production Soars by 354%

Iranian heavy and commercial vehicles producers registered solid growth in the production of vans, trucks, vehicle pullers and semi-trucks
Van Production Soars by 354%
Van Production Soars by 354%

The production of commercial and heavy vehicles increased while other segments registered a decline in the fiscal 2021-22 (ended March 20), such that vans registered the highest growth and buses accounted for the biggest decline.
The production of pickup trucks as the lightest commercial vehicles decreased by 1% in the fiscal 2021-22 to reach 79,751.
The share of Iran Khodro Company (IKCO) in this sector reached 672 units, which shows a fall of 76.8% year-on-year, according to Donyaye Khodro.
SAIPA also produced 60,328 pickup trucks last year, registering a YOY decrease of 4.1%.


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