
Automakers, Tech Firms Sign Deals to Curb Foreign Reliance

To curb the Iranian auto industries’ reliance on imports, car manufacturers have forged several deals with local tech firms worth $162 million for the production of auto parts
Automakers, Tech Firms Sign Deals to Curb Foreign Reliance
Automakers, Tech Firms Sign Deals to Curb Foreign Reliance

Over the past week, Tehran hosted an event to connect tech firms with automakers, on the sidelines of which several deals totally worth $162 million were signed.
The government-backed Iran National Innovation Fund has organized a three-day gathering in Tehran, which opened on Monday, IRNA reported.
During the event, SAIPA subsidiary Mega Motor signed 22 deals with local tech firms worth 6.5 trillion rials ($56.5 million).
Another subsidiary of the carmaker, Sazehgostar SAIPA, inked a deal valued at 180 billion rials ($1.6 million) with local knowledge-based firm Pars Iranian Saman for the domestic production of car lamps.
E-commerce firm Arsh Gostar and Electronic Industries of Iran Company signed an agreement worth 490 billion rials ($4.3 million) for producing airbags.


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