• Auto, Sci & Tech

    Local Beauty Assistant App Launched

    Cinere, one of Iran's largest cosmetics companies, has released a smartphone application on the local Android app store called Café Bazaar.

    The app, listed under the lifestyle category, has been developed by Tabiate Zendeh Laboratories, Webna reported last Sunday.

    Established in 1997, Tabiate Zendeh ('Live Nature' in Persian) is a knowledge based company that manufactures natural hair and skin care products released under the brand name 'Cinere'.  

    After downloading the app, users can fill in a personal information form and select their hair and skin type. Based on data provided, they are given a healthcare schedule.

    Depending on the weather in users' area of residence, the app provides tips for better hair and skin care. The available locations are, for now, limited to provincal centers in Iran.

    If it's time to reapply sunscreen, and mirrors are nowhere to be found, users shouldn't worry for the app also lets them use their mobile screen as a mirror.   

    Cinere's Beauty Assistant app for Android has by far been downloaded over 500 times.

    Iran's online ecosystem has developed tremendously in recent years with many new players joining the scene. Cinere's market entry suggests the web application market is maturing with non-technology actors creating programs alongside their traditional marketing campaigns to boost their sales.  


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