Art And Culture

Adaptation of Lorca’s ‘Yerma’ in Belarus

Adaptation of Lorca’s ‘Yerma’ in Belarus
Adaptation of Lorca’s ‘Yerma’ in Belarus

Creative Theater Group from Iran is to perform an adaptation of Federico García Lorca’s play “Yerma” at the 15th Teatralny Кufar International Theater Festival in Minsk, Belarus, September 19-28.

Spanish poet, playwright, and theatre director Lorca (1898-1936) wrote the play in 1934. Yerma, literally meaning barren, is the story of a childless woman living in rural Spain. Her desperate desire for motherhood obsesses her and eventually drives her to commit a horrible crime.

The Iranian adaptation titled “Mama Yerma” is directed by Farzin Nobarani and has Shabnam Eskandari, Bita Azizoghli, Amir Farahani, Farzad Berahman, Abbas Alireza, Soheil Qena’ati and Melina Qadimi in the cast, IRNA reported.

The theatrical production earlier participated in Armenia’s International Performing Arts Festival High Fest and the Lohri Festival in India. Teatralny Кufar International Theatre Festival is an annual cultural event that seeks to help promote young performers. Other participating groups in the festival are from Belarus, the UK, Georgia, Lativa, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Croatia and Uzbekistan.

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