Art And Culture

Football Photos at Silk Road Gallery

Football Photos at  Silk Road Gallery
Football Photos at  Silk Road Gallery
“The exhibition is our little narrative of football, the football we know, the football we love”

A group of five photojournalists named “Podium” will present its second exhibition at the Silk Road Art Gallery in Tehran.

Titled “Podium Two,” the exhibit will open September 14 and is all about football, Honaronline reported on its Persian website. Podium One was held last year in late August and early September.

Javid Nikpour, Farzam Saleh, Mohammad-Ali Najib, Payam Sani and Roshan Norouzi are members of the group whose focus is sports photography. A total of eight narrative series of football photos will be on view. 

According to a statement of the exhibit, football is probably the most popular sport in history. The game has been turned into one of the most profitable trades whereby teams are severed from their local roots and football clubs are put up for sale to the highest bidder whenever owners and shareholders see fit.

Children fascinated by football imagine themselves as kicking the ball for a famous club. Football is made by the people and is for the people. “The exhibition is our little narrative of football, the football we know, the football we love.”

Podium Two will run through October 6. Silk Road Gallery is located at No. 210, Keshavarz Blvd., across Laleh Park.


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