Art And Culture

Landscape Painting in Fereshteh Gallery

Landscape Painting in Fereshteh Gallery
Landscape Painting in Fereshteh Gallery

A group exhibition of landscape painting opened at Fereshteh Art Gallery in Tehran on Friday.

“A Timeless Journey in Landscape” includes works of 27 artists with a focus on natural scenery and landscapes, ILNA reported.

Painter and curator Tala Ranjbaran has collected the works. Participating painters include Roshanak Nouri, Vahid Beikverdi, Sanaz Shafaqi, Shahrokh Khajeh-Nouri and Yasin Kazemi. Landscape painting is the depiction of natural scenery such as  mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests, especially where the main subject is a wide view, with its elements arranged into a coherent composition.

Early paintings with such style were found in old Greece in 1500 BC. It continued during the Dutch Golden Age in the 17th century as well as 19th and 20th centuries with works of Romantic painters like Casper David Friedrich, impressionists like Vincent Van Gogh and modernist David Hockney.

The gallery is located at No. 1671, next to Fereshteh branch of Book City Institute, Shariati St. It will host the works until September 12.


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