The post apocalyptic novel “The Drought” written by British writer J.G. Ballard has been translated into Persian by Ali Asghar Bahrami and published by Cheshmeh Publication.
Bahrami has translated other fictional stories by the same author including High Rise, The 4 Dimensional Nightmare, Terminal Beach and Empire of the Sun, Honaronline reported on its Persian website.
According to, in The Drought the author narrates a chilling story of the world on the brink of extinction, where a global drought, brought on by industrial waste, leaves mankind on the verge of extinction -- a life or death hunt for water. Violence erupts and insanity rules as people struggle to survive in a global desert of despair.
A novelist, essayist and short story writer, James Graham Ballard (1930-2009) is considered a major figure in writing science fiction during the 1960s and 70s. He has written more than 20 novels and short stories.
Ballard is best known for his war novel “Empire of the Sun” that has been made into a movie by the well-known American filmmaker Steven Spielberg.