The comedy film Katyusha directed by Ali Atshani hit the screens last week.
A middle-aged man, Ali Katyusha has to take on a two-week job to watch over a young boy and former addict from an affluent family while the parents are away. He should be careful to keep the boy far away from narcotics, wrote.
The two men, with their beliefs far apart and from two very different walks of life, being bundled together for two weeks create a rather amusing situation in the film.
Hadi Hejazifar, Ahmad Mehranfar, Leila Otadi, Mitra Hajjar, Arjang Amirfazli and Bijan Banafshekhah are in the cast.
Zendegi, Kourosh, Azadi and Book Garden cineplexes are some of the venues showing the film in the capital.